
Tara and Shane
~ Jordy 6 months ~
The support and guidance that we received from Tracey was something we could only have dreamt of.
Our baby boy Jordy (6 months) was a daytime catnapper who would take longer to go to sleep than he would stay asleep. After the dreaded 4 month sleep regression night times got continually worse until he was waking every 45 minutes to an hour. I was feeding around 6 times overnight as this was the only way to get him back to sleep. Sleep time had become a very daunting occasion and it’s safe to say we were exhausted. Having tried everything, we called Holistic Sleep Mumma and can undoubtedly say it was the best phone call we ever made.
Tracey created a gentle sleep plan that both my husband and I felt comfortable with. She constantly checked in and promptly answered our million questions daily with so much care and kindness. Her ongoing reassurance and personalised support is what made her different to any other sleep consultant we have ever come across.
Within a couple weeks our boy had completely transformed. Sleep time was now a positive, happy experience and Jordy was self settling and linking his sleep cycles. He has now learnt to put himself to sleep and only wakes for his two night feeds.
We can’t speak highly enough of Tracey and her in depth knowledge and support through our boys sleep journey. To say she went above and beyond for our family is an understatement. Holistic Sleep Mumma is our sleep angel and we are so so grateful to have found her!

Justine and Shaun
~ Harley 12 months ~
Before I contacted Tracey Harley was a dream sleeper sleeping through from about 9 months old from 13 months Harley had some medical issues which saw him in hospital however around 18 months old that’s when the constant sleeping problems started .
It would start with a few wakes a night 1-3 times and a quick cuddle, pat reasurence and bottles it was back to sleep however each time we leave his room he would cry out to us thinking of putting him into bed with us helped a little however it became a bad habbit as Harley would rely on us to get him out of the cot and put him into bed which then became a game .
I bought a glow dreamer to see if that helped and he now loves the white noise and goes to sleep with it on ... We then changed our ways . From December he would wake in the early hours which would be a cry and then he would stay awake Between 1-3 hours a night this lasted
5 1/2 weeks .. with a new baby it on it was we needed help when we contacted Tracey .
She was so supportive didn’t judge just listened and gave advice . She would check In daily with advice ideas and strategies and it took trial and error for Harley to go from waking 1-3 hours to only calling out with soft cries then eventually sleeping through.
I would like to thank Tracey for giving me not only patience but reasurence .

Gemma and Geoff
~ Georgia 9 weeks ~
I contacted Tracey when my daughter was only a couple of months old, her sleep wasn’t bad by any means but I could tell that the sleep anywhere, anytime newborn phase was coming to an end. I wanted to be proactive to nip in the bud some issues I saw developing with her sleep.
I started googling, reading books and the information overload and conflicting advice was making me anxious not knowing what was ahead of us. I knew I needed a more personal approach. Tracey has been fantastic, initially the information Tracey provided was personalised to Georgia’s age and taking into account her current sleeping habits and our parenting approach.
Just simply stretching out her awake periods and learning some positive and gentle settling techniques Georgia’s day naps improved.
Tracey was always so quick to respond to my emails which was invaluable when things didn’t go to plan as I always knew I had professional advice to tackle any changes which really put my mind at ease and made me feel a lot more confident.
Tracey continues to touch base to see how we are doing even when things are going well. We are very thankful for all Tracey’s help in ensuring we have a happy, well rested little girl who is thriving.
Dhenby and Kalin
~ Kenzie 3 years ~
Bedtimes has been a constant battle between my 3yr old little girl with her not wanting to go to sleep before 8.30pm and needing me to stay and settle her
Tracey has been such a blessing to my family. I never knew how much we really needed her until she’d helped us she has turn a very grumpy night time routine into a breeze. I had been so resentful and emotional for months and couldn’t put a finger on what was triggering it but her guidance helping us transition our 3yr old out of her day nap and into an earlier bedtime has given me back my me time and that quietness to debrief from the hectic day I never knew I needed and to actually be able to spend alone time with my husband.
She really had no idea how special she is she has totally transformed my family with her gentle words of wisdom. I will be forever grateful to have stumbled upon her Instagram question story.
Thank you so much! X
Madeline and Tristan
~ Aria 4 months ~
Tracey has been so absolutely amazing for me and my family!
When I initially made contact she really went in depth to help figure out what was going wrong with my daughters sleep. At 4 months old she was cat napping for 30 minutes five times a day, and waking every 3 hours at night. As a University student (and mum) I was exhausted and barely able to keep up with my study.
Within a week of our phone consult my daughter had started having longer day naps and sleeping up to 12 hours at night with only 1 feed. Now I’m able to get a good nights sleep and feel refreshed in the morning. Tracey has gone above and beyond by also keeping in contact with me to help troubleshoot any little problems we’ve had since our consult.
I’d definitely recommend her to anyone who needs anything from a minor fix to a major adjustment for their child’s sleep.
Dyan and Brendan
~ Jake 6 months ~
I have had a very positive experience working with Tracey regarding my son’s sleep. I contacted Tracey during an extremely stressful time in my life when I was overwhelmed with grief and sleep deprivation. She is incredibly supportive, caring and empathetic. She responds to all emails promptly and in great detail.
I have always felt that my concerns are valid and understandable and Tracey has gone above and beyond to address my needs. Tracey provided recommendations which were in line with my desire to use gentle approaches.
By far the most valuable aspect of working with Tracey has been the support and encouragement she provides; I had been feeling alone in my struggle and she has truly made me feel that she cares about me and genuinely wants to help. I am so glad I made the decision to reach out for help.

Laura and Cory
~ Hazel 7 months ~
I came to Tracey desperate for some help after some really exhausting nights and stressful days with our now 8 month old girl, Hazel. She was waking so often during the night and nap times were pretty unpredictable which made it really hard to plan our days.
After less than 2 weeks of implementing the changes Tracey gave us, Hazel was napping on schedule and reduced the night wake ups. She now also goes to sleep on her own and doesn’t need to be fed to sleep as I was doing previously.
I’m very thankful for the advice and support Tracey was able to give our little family.

Corina and Paul
~ Lily 6 months ~
With the help of Tracey, in just over a week my baby was sleeping 2 hours at lunch without fail (after sleeping 40 minutes blocks at time for the past 4 months) and waking only once over night from a minimum of 2 night wakings!
I had enlisted the help of not only Tresillian but also Possum Cottage to assist me in helping my baby link her sleep cycles (including getting rid of the dummy) but nothing worked until I met Tracey and had a phone consultation with her!
Tracey was extremely helpful, professional and knowledgeable. She really knows her stuff and her little tips/tricks have been amazing!
Tracey tailor made a routine that suited not only my babies needs but also met my families. Tracey supported my family through the entire process and followed up with us regularly to discuss any hurdles, the need for any “tweaks” and just general support.
We are still astounded at what little changes we needed to make to have such big differences! We can’t thank Tracey enough!
I highly recommend Tracey “The Holistic Sleep Mumma” to anyone wanting their babies to get more sleep !

Briana and Paul
~ Savannah 18 months ~
We are so grateful that Tracey came into our life to help us with our little girls sleep. Tracey was very easy to talk to and educated us on the reason why we were having issues. We never felt judged and felt we connected with Tracey knowing she is also a mum and understands from that side of things how hard it is with lack of sleep. After working with Tracey and the strategies she recommended for us, after only 2weeks we had a toddler who started sleeping 12hours with no fuss! Thank you!!!

Jessica and Justin
~ Angus 18 months ~
We have our room back and our sanity thanks to Tracey. We had been struggling for months to get our 18month old son out of our bed and into his own room. We had tried intermittently for about 6 months but with starting back at work, it was just too hard. None of us were getting a good night’s sleep but it was preferable to him screaming for hours on end until we went and got him.
I had been told by others to just let him cry but this didn’t feel right for us as he would just get so distressed he’d vomit. Tracey was warm and friendly and was always on the other end of the phone for advice. She listened to me and respected that we knew our son best and what would work for him. She gave me manageable and achievable instructions and literally within a week he was sleeping soundly through the night in his own bed and good sleeps through the day.
It’s now been 2 months and still going strong. I can thank Tracey enough for the help she has given my family!

Jo and Ben
~ Ruby 8 months ~
Sleep was going pretty well with our little girl; sleeping for 4-5 hour stints until she was about 5months old when we took a family holiday overseas. Circumstances meant that we got into some habits while away that unfortunately were difficult to shift on getting back home. Ruby was always rocked and fed to sleep but at 6 months old she started waking every 90mins through the night. This gruelling regime started taking its toll on our sanity and had us wondering where we went wrong and whether we would ever be able to get it right.
Luckily Tracey came to our rescue and our evenings are now in a much better place. We had an initial conversation with Tracey where we discussed the ins and outs of where we currently were with our routine, what we hoped to achieve (more than 60mins of sleep at a time and a full nights uninterrupted sleep was a far off dream) and most importantly, what we were comfortable with trying based on our daughter's stubborn-as-an-ox personality.
Fast forward 4 weeks (of which Ruby was sick for a week and so temporarily halted progress), I am writing this at 6.30pm, sitting on the couch with a cold beverage in hand, after putting Ruby down to sleep without so much as a whisper from her knowing she might wake once more for a feed at some point tonight. We cannot sing high enough praises of the help Tracey provided us with! Regularly touching base, no question was too silly or difficult and she was always quick to reply when we were unsure. Most of all, she was so encouraging the whole time and gave us confidence to handle situations that didn't run to 'plan'. Thank you, thank you, thank you!! We couldn't recommend you more :)

Elissa and John
~ Lilah 2 months ~
We are very thankful for the advice & support offered by Tracey.
Tracey was able to provide advice on age appropriate awake times, typical routines & identifying the most important sleeps in those routines.
She also discussed the importance of sleep associations and provided examples, which proved very helpful with our 3 month old. Also, her availability for follow up questions made it easy to discuss things as they were happening.

Rachel and Ryan
~ Lenny 5 months ~
From birth Lenny wasn’t amazing at linking his sleep cycles and consolidating his sleep. His days and nights were hit and miss, never knowing what we were going to get.
Then the 4-month regression kicked in. During the day Lenny would sleep for 30-minute blocks and would wake every 1-2 hours overnight. My resettling technique was to feed Lenny back to sleep, however after a good month of doing this I knew I was creating a really bad habit, one that I would regret later on down the track.
Not knowing what to do or where to start I contacted Tracey. This has been one of the greatest moves I’ve made in a very long time.
Tracey has been genuinely invested in my family’s well being, but most of all, Lenny’s sleep. She created a program for Lenny, which was gentle, calming & overall extremely effective. We saw instant results and with persistence Lenny quickly developed new positive behaviours.
We have now got Lenny’s day naps sorted, we are down to one feed overnight and Lenny is able to resettle himself.
Tracey’s communication is second to none. She goes above and beyond to help & promptly answers all questions. My husband & I are extremely grateful for the support, advice & guidance that Tracey has given us. We are so glad we found Tracey when we did.

Julia and Kris
~ Arlo 9 months ~
Our nine month old baby, Arlo had been waking every hour or two since birth. He had always been fed on demand and also had a dummy for sleep. When we would settle him to sleep we would feed him, rock him or pat him and this routine had gone on for months.
He was often waking in the night clearly not hungry but so sad and often we were unable to resettle him because he'd worked himself up so much. After reaching complete sleep deprived mania we decided it was time to ask for help. My husband found Tracey online and immediately after our free 15 minute consult we knew she was going to be an amazing help for us.
I wanted to avoid tears at all cost and I knew that going in to Arlo when he cried was very important for me, I wanted him to know that no matter how old he is, if he needs us, we will always be there. Tracey understood this and created a sleep plan for us based on our parenting style. Within a week he had started to sleep much longer stretches up to 10 hours a night. His resettles were fast and painless and he had stopped demanding to be breastfed all night long. Hallelujah! After 8 days he was sleeping through the night unassisted and only drinking sips of water if he ever woke sad.
The sleep plan and the advice that Tracey provided us with was amazing, but by far the best thing about the process was how supportive she was at every turn. She replied to emails and texts so quickly. It honestly felt like she was a third member of the family for that first week. We couldn't believe how quickly sleep patterns can be corrected with the right advice. Our lives are changed forever and our baby is so much happier getting all the sleep he needs.

Rachel and Elias
~ John 9 months ~
John was an amazing sleeper when he was born but from about 6 months he started cat napping throughout the day and not sleeping through the night, constantly requiring feeds to re-settle.
We were co-sleeping which I loved but started to find that it was creating bad habits and john and I really needed to get some good night’s sleep. After reaching out to Tracey I immediately felt empowered with the information she shared and within literally 48 hours we started to see results.
We have now reached our goal which was to be able to get john to sleep all night in his cot and to be able to place him down and simply walk out. I am so pleased to say we can do this and its thanks to Tracey’s guidance.

Dr Carla Brion and Louis
~ Farrah 10 months ~
The Holistic Sleep Mumma really helped our little fam more than words can say.
Tracey is just amazing - she is so supportive, she goes above and beyond to help and she genuinely cares about my little bub Farrah as well as well as mum and dad. She always checks in to see how we are doing as never ceases to amaze me with how much knowledge she has with all things baby sleep, leaps and moods. Tracey is always there to help.
Farrah’s day naps improved amazingly from 20-30 minute random cat naps to two structured naps. And her nights are so much better, we go rid of the dummy without a fuss and now Farah goes down awake and puts herself to sleep as well as self settle herself if she wakes. It’s incredible.
Thank you Holistic Sleep Mumma, you’re an earth angel.
We are so grateful for you. Xo
Nicole and Kade
~ Bella 7.5 months ~
We reached out to Tracey after hearing from a friend just how wonderful and helpful she was. Our daughter Bella had always been a fantastic day and night sleeper. However she came across some hurdles after the 4 month regression and her night time sleep patterns became very inconsistent.
I found it tricky as a first time Mum to work out how to improve Bella's sleep as there was so much conflicting information available. After my initial phone call with Tracey I knew that she truly cared and had a world of knowledge behind her.
Within a few weeks we were able to work on a range of strategies and implement and carry out a routine that suited Bella, something that I loved about Tracey, she gave advise that suited our daughter and not that of a typical baby of her age. During the time that Tracey and I were in contact I felt truly supported by her and no question was ever unanswered.
A very special lady who provided so much care and time for my family all whilst being a busy and amazing Mum herself to her own little bub! I would highly recommend Tracey to any parent that needed some support around helping their child to sleep to the best of their ability, even if your matter is only small, Tracey is your go to Sleep Consultant.
Sarah and Jason
~ Ivy 11 months ~
Tracey from Holistic Sleep Mumma has done more for us then she will ever know.
At the time our 11 month old girl was waking 4-5 times a night, would always end up in our bed and would toss and turn until it was light. She was restless and not getting the sleep she needed. (Neither were we) Little sleep meant I had an overtired grumpy girl on my hands more often than not.
One desperate morning I jumped on google and found Tracey. We quickly set up a time to chat and the rest is history. Our 1 hour phone call and a few follow up texts was all this house needed. By day 3 our girl was sleeping through the night! Down at 6pm, no wake ups, no need for resettling, no ending up in our bed (just for morning cuddles when she was awake) Her day sleeps are all predictable now too.
Tracey listened to what we had to say about our girls sleep and what it looked like, she suggested some changes and a few things to do. Overall she just sleeps better wherever we are. A recent trip to Bali was no different. We packed all the sleep associations (initially suggested by Tracey) and she was still sleeping through the night in her porta cot.
Forever thankful to Tracey and so glad she helped us find some normality after a long year. Couldn’t recommend her enough, she truly goes above and beyond.

Sophie and Scott
~ Emilia 3 months ~
Tracey is an amazing, understanding and very supportive sleep coach.
Since being in contact with Tracey, our little girl has gone from waking 2 hourly to sleeping 4-5 hours straight in a couple of weeks!! Tracey has provided our family with very helpful settling ideas which has definitely improved Emilia’s quality of sleep. Tracey is very responsive and has been such a great support at such a hard time of our lives.
We now have much better quality sleep! Can’t thank Tracey enough!! Amazing, she won’t disappoint!!!
Love, From our family to yours xXx

Kristin & Leigh
~ Zaeli 18 months ~
I want to say a huge thank you to Tracey for empowering my husband and I and providing us with the knowledge we needed to tackle sleep training with Zaeli.
For some time now Zaeli’s sleep had been terrible. Zaeli is 18 months and was still waking up every 1.5 to 2 hours, would not be comforted by my husband during the night and needed to be breast-fed to sleep. I was exhausted and would continually suffer from migraines from the lack of sleep.
My husband and I decided that for my health that it’s best we seek some guidance. Tracey was recommended to us through a friend, we are so grateful to have ‘crossed paths’!
I feel like I have a new baby girl! Within the second night of commencing sleep training she was sleeping through the night (6:30 pm to 7 am), settles herself and isn’t breast-fed during the night any more.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Xx
Jessica and Donato
~ Daniela 6 months ~
Daniela was such a good sleeper until around 5 months when she cut two teeth and the sleep regression started. My husband and I knew we needed to make a change when rocking and feeding Daniela to sleep no longer did the trick. We struggled through about a month of cat napping during the day and multiple wake ups at night (sometimes 2-3 wake ups before we even made it to midnight).
I was hesitant to call Tracey at first, feeling as though the phase would pass and that I could and should be able to handle things moving forward. I am so glad I let the expectations I put on myself go and sought help!
Tracey is very knowledgeable and adaptable and was able to offer lots of information and strategies to suit our family. She has a wealth of knowledge and shares her own personal experiences.
Tracey provided information that was tailored to our needs and supported our family routine, choices and addressed our concerns.
What I needed most was encouragement to implement changes and someone to be accountable to. Tracey would regularly touch base and offer support and encouragement which is just what I needed to persevere and stop myself from slipping back into old habits.
Within two nights and minimal tears, Daniela was sleeping 8-9 hours straight and had begun sleeping better during the day. Daniela is now sleeping through the night or occasionally wakes for one night time feed.
We can’t thank Tracey enough and highly recommend her to anyone who is ready to make a change and have a good night’s sleep!

Clare & Ben
~ Maddy 5.5 months ~
We are very thankful to Tracey for giving us the courage and knowledge to get Maddy in to such a great routine.
After never recovering from the four month sleep regression her sleep has now vastly improved! The thing that surprised me was how quickly she achieved self-settling.
She has great naps and wakes only once a night now. The best thing is its all quite predictable now - she is happier and so am I :)

Kloie & David
~ Remi 6 months ~
An honest review...I was sceptical.
I had been to two sleep schools with my first daughter and tried an online program...so I was sceptical. When my 2nd daughter went from sleep perfectly to waking constantly 4 to 5 times a night I decided to give the Holistic Sleep Mumma a go.
I really didn't think it was going to work but Tracey's approach was 100% different to what I had been through previously. I didn't feel like I was being spoken over and Tracey really listened to me and listened as I explained our issues. She asked so many questions, some of which I had never even thought before.
Once we started on the program within one day we saw positive changes. By night three she was sleeping through. I could put her down awake and she would happily put herself to sleep. She no longer cried. Sleep times no longer felt stressed and I felt like a weight was lifted from my shoulders. I got to enjoy bed time with her and then get my 1st daughter to sleep peacefully.
I can't thank Tracey enough she has literally changed the feel of our house.

Ferida & Zaher
~ Miran 5 months ~
A friend of my husband's introduced us to Tracey and we are so blessed to have met her.
Before help from Tracey our baby was not sleeping more than 30 minutes during his naps and was waking up every 1.5 to 2 hours at nights, which meant we were all very tired and had an unhappy baby.
But now he wakes up twice at night for feeds and his naps are no shorter than 1 hour. He was in a routine and self settling himself to sleep by the 9th day of the training, which I was not expecting at all. This was all thanks to the constant support from Tracey and I recommend her to anyone who needs help with their babies sleep.
Thank you so much for what you have done for our family and I will forever be grateful

Sinead & James
~ Brodie 7 months ~
Our lives have changed so much since working with Tracey.
Our son’s sleep has drastically improved and he is a happier child because of it. He is now a much more confident sleeper and will happily sleep in his own bedroom, often sleeping right through the night.
We have learnt so much about sleep that goes beyond our son learning to resettle himself.
Tracey has gone above and beyond and always made herself available to us.
Bianca & Jarryd
~ Iyla 6 months ~
In May when our baby girl was 6 months old, we were in need of a sleep routine! Iyla was waking three times during the night and not getting enough sleep during the day. My husband and I would then try to soothe her and pick her up and rock her to sleep each time, making it harder for her to soothe herself.
I looked online for what to do when baby cant sleep, and had even spoke to my maternal nurse and still nothing was helping. There were so many things out there it made it so confusing! Then I came across Holistic Sleep Mumma and am so grateful I did!
I chose the phone consult service, where I spoke to Tracey for nearly 2 hours to go through everything my baby girl is doing, and what she could do to help. Tracey then sent us a plan to follow which we were very comfortable to try. The guidance and support through the transition period has been unbelievable and after changing a few things, my baby girl now sleeps through the entire night!
It didn't take long at all, a few tweaks and within a week she was not waking once! Iyla has learnt to self soothe, and has a routine where she now knows when to go to sleep. We are now getting too much sleep but loving every minute of it!
The support didn't stop there, Tracey has been so helpful as another mumma to chat to, even now that Iyla is 8 months old. The knowledge and sweet nature of Tracey is amazing, and we are truly thankful we had her help to get our families sleep back on track.
Much love xx

Sarah & Jason
~ Ivy 11 months ~
Tracey from Holistic Sleep Mumma has done more for us then she will ever know.
At the time our 11 month old girl was waking 4-5 times a night, would always end up in our bed and would toss and turn until it was light. She was restless and not getting the sleep she needed (Neither where we). Little sleep meant I had an overtired grumpy girl on my hands more often than not.
One desperate morning I jumped on Google and found Tracey. We quickly set up a time to chat and the rest is history. Our 1 hour phone call and a few follow up texts was all this house needed. By day 3 our girl was sleeping through the night! Down at 6pm, no wake ups, no need for resettling, no ending up in our bed (just for morning cuddles when she was awake). Her day sleeps are all predictable now too.
Tracey listened to what we had to say about our girls sleep and what it looked like, she suggested some changes and a few things to do. Overall she just sleeps better wherever we are.
A recent trip to Bali was no different. We packed all the sleep associations (initially suggested by Tracey) and she was still sleeping through the night in her porta cot.
Forever thankful to Tracey and so glad she helped us find some normality after a long year. Couldn’t recommend her enough, she truly goes above and beyond.
Jo & Phil
~ Paddy 5 months ~
What can we say, Tracey really did save our sanity!
We had recently returned from a 4 week family holiday overseas, Paddy our 5 month old had been waking 10-15 times per night upon our return but by week two of this i said i can no longer use the excuse of Jetlag and something had to give. That's when i did a quick search online and found Tracey from Holistic Sleep Mumma, I contacted Tracey and got a reply the very same day, I was so thrilled at the level of customer service from the very beginning.
We quickly received the questionnaire to complete on Paddy's routine and a phone hook up was organised. As Paddy wasn't sleeping well anyway we made the bold decision to remove his dummy at the same time. After making a few minor adjustments to Paddy's sleep environment and his clothing we were ready to implement Tracey's plan.
Night 1 I had mentally prepared myself for the worst, thinking we would be up most of the night.... well was I so wrong! Paddy went down happy without his dummy at 6:30pm, grizzled for 2 minutes and was then fast asleep until 5am! I must admit that first night i was up quite a few times checking on him thinking this cannot have worked so well on the first night!
He woke for a bottle and then back down until 7:30am. WOW !!!!! This has continued and the 5am wake then moved to 5:30, 6:00 and is now usually between 6:30-7am.
We honestly cannot thank Tracey enough, she is always available via text messages and provided so much moral and emotional support to us (mostly needed for me), and we are now all getting the good nights sleep we need.

Kelsey & Nathan
~ Teddy 6 months ~
We reached out to Tracey when we were having trouble with our 6 month old Teddy.
Teddy would only sleep 20-30 minutes maximum during the day. Teddy was waking multiple times during the night and would not re-settle, ending up with one of us having to cuddle his for most of the remainder or the night.
After reaching out to Tracey for help and guidance we now have a baby that’s sleeping nearly the whole night and only wakes once for a feed. Teddy’s daytime naps are no shorter than 1.5 hours. I would highly recommend Tracey to anybody experiencing the same sleep issues.
We can’t thank Tracey enough for her help, guidance and ongoing support to ensure we all get a good nights sleep.

Emma & Luke
~ Sullivan 7 months ~
I found Tracey through an internet search for sleep training, after a particularly difficult night. Her testimonials and approach sounded just like what we needed.
My 7 month old son, Sullivan, was regularly waking 4-5 times a night and wanting to be fed. We knew he didn’t ‘need’ to be fed but lacked the strategies to be able to change these habits. I am due back at work in a month so knew that something had to change. That’s where Tracey came in.
I spoke to her for an hour about our current situation and she gave us some simple strategies to get Sullivan weaned off his night feeds and also sleeping better for his naps during the day.
Within days we saw improvements and have had a number of nights where he has slept through. When he does wake during the night we now know what to. Tracey has been available for any questions I’ve had and gave me the confidence and means to allow Sullivan to teach himself to self settle. We are all now a much happier and well rested family because of Tracey’s advice and assistance.

Rachael & Benjamin
~ Mckenzi 10 months ~
I had the pleasure of speaking with Tracey in regards to my 10mth olds sleeping issues.
Multiple wake ups, 4 am starts to the day, irregular nap times, and cat napping. We were sad, and struggling, with a husband that works away from home for months at a time, there was no respite for this tired mumma.
At the time I was currently utilising another sleep coach and after several months with no success, I called Tracey to enlist her help. Fastforward to today and what a change my little girl has made after Traceys guidance.
Night one with Tracey we achieved massive results, a sleep through the night, a full night sleep for our little girl, something we could only have dreamed of, and from that night on, the sleeping through became consistent, every night she is sleeping soundly, she was another level of happy during the day that we hadn’t seen before. Her naps were becoming routine, and she now tells me she’s tired and wants to go to bed. When she wakes up in the morning she is bouncing in her bed with a beautiful ‘HEYEE mumma.
Tracey restored our nights from dreading the bedtime hour to every member of our family getting a good night sleep. My only regret is I didnt call her back sooner.
Tracey is empathetic, knowledgeable, communicative, available, PRESENT and above all, everything she said we could achieve has been achieved.
I fully recommend Holistic Sleep Mumma to anyone who needs a gentle sleep training that Works.

Sophie & Rhys
~ Ollie 16 months ~
Ollie has never been a baby that slept and we had kind of just accepted the fact that we were going to be sleep deprived forever!
However after a few months of waking every hour and needing to be fed back to sleep, enough was enough!
I contacted Tracey and the steps she gave us to implement with Ollie have been life changing! From hourly wake ups to pretty much sleeping through the night is something we never thought could be achieved.
Having Tracey's unconditional support has made us feel supported in our decisions and made a huge impact on all of our lives. I just wish we had contacted her sooner!
Would highly recommend.
Rachel & Ryan
~ Lenny 10 months ~
Tracey was so amazing!!
Our 10 month old Lenny is now sleeping 12 hours a night after waking 3-5 times.
As a newborn he would sleep 3-4 hour stretches but from about 4.5 months he started waking every 2-3 hourly and it became increasingly worse up until 9 months old. By that stage I’d had enough and i was starting to loose my mind.
A friend suggested I give Tracey a go as her colleague had success, and it was life changing for them.
Tracey and I spoke about Lenny’s routine, day and night. Food, likes, habits etc. I was clear I didn’t want Lenny ‘crying it out’ too much and Tracey understood, reassuring me her techniques would be effective even if I took a soft approach.
Within 2 nights he had longer stretches of sleep and by night 5, he slept through for 12 hours!! I really couldn’t believe we had coached him to this so fast. It was so easy and I can’t believe I’d left it for so long.
I feel confident with Tracey’s guidance that when Lenny moves through to a new stage and age, we can change his routine and keep him settled and happy.
I’m so thankful for all her help.

Zahra & Adrian
~ Isaac 6 months ~
Tracey helped save my sanity!
Prior to contacting her, I honestly thought having a baby that woke up 7 or 8 times a night was just something I’d have to accept and learn to live with.
I’m so grateful for her support in helping me to gently transition my 6 month old son Isaac toward independent sleep at a pace I’m comfortable with. From the beginning she worked with me to understand our individual needs and put a plan in place that suits us. She has never been judgemental or critical, simply supportive.
Most importantly, Tracey has always been available to answer my follow up questions - and believe me, I have had many! Isaac has gone from waking multiple times through to the night to sleeping through except for two feeds (which I’m happy to continue for now). I’m happier now that I’m getting some decent sleep and Isaac continues to thrive.
Thanks Tracey:)
Rachel & Caleb
~ Ihaia 17 weeks ~
It’s really hard to sum up Tracey because if you think of everything good about someone it is her. She is so different compared to other sleep consultants not just because of her unlimited support but how she responds. She doesn’t tell you what to do, she coaches you.
The way she approaches everything makes you think and reflect on how you are approaching sleep. She has been patient with me and supportive. My biggest issue was consistency and not trusting the process as soon as something backfired I would freak. She has normalised tough sleep days and the fact just because you sleep train doesn’t mean you are gonna have a perfect sleeper because they are not robotics.
We are on a sleep journey every day. Even when the day goes wrong we stick to it and it doesn’t affect our nights because he is in a good routine and well rested. Tracey has given me the confidence for this and she is still there when I have question or just need a little reassurance. Also how bomb is she at mumma hood she shares the good, bad and the ugly.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart xx