Fifth Week with a Newborn Baby
Week 5 Already!
Wow I can’t believe Casper is 5 weeks old already! Time really is going by so fast and it’s heart breaking. I am trying to soak up every moment but it never feels enough :(
Recovering from Colic
We’ve had a really good week this week. Casper is sleeping beautifully now we have his colic sorted. Honestly for us the Willby’s colic and wind mixture is worth it’s weight in gold.
Casper is generally waking up twice a night now. This week he’s been cluster feeding in the evenings, usually from 6:30pm after his bath through to 9pm ish. I’m not fighting this, I’m just going with the flow. I remember with Otis I would become so upset with the cluster feeding as it meant I was ‘stuck’ under him for hours in the evenings whereas with Casper I’m totally okay with it. It’s not going to last forever and it’s rather relaxing haha the only downfall is that Paul needs to cook dinner and he’s not the greatest cook! I do appreciate it though babe ;)
Day Sleeps
During the day Casper’s ideal awake window at the moment is 1 hour which includes feeding. This means he doesn’t have a lot of ‘play time’ but it’s just enough. We do some tummy time and Otis likes to show him his toys and give him cuddles.
Most of Casper’s day sleeps are in the carrier still. He settles so beautifully in there and it means I am free to go about doing my thing and tending to Otis. I try to aim for one nap a day in the bassinet though for three reasons; to get him used to sleeping in there during the day, to give myself a break, and to spend alone time with Otis.
Growth Spurts
We had another growth spurt this week which meant for two nights we had some extra night feeds, I woke up after one of the nights super cranky and irritated, everything was annoying me so I made a decision to remove myself from everyone to try and turn my mood around. I left Paul with both boys and went downstairs to listen to some music and do a little workout - this worked a treat! Having that alone time reset my mood and when I went back upstairs I didn’t feel like smothering Paul with a pillow haha.
Growing Out of Clothes Fast!
It’s so sad that I have had to pack away all of Casper’s newborn clothes - that’s how much he’s grown in just 5 weeks! I officially no longer have a ‘newborn’ I have an ‘infant’. Everyday goes by so fast, I find myself wishing time would slow down. I’m embracing all the sleepy snuggles I have with Casper because I now know that this phase will be gone before I know it. I used to wish away the days with Otis because they were so unknown and scary - all I wanted with him was to have predictability and for him to have more independence whereas with Casper I’m actively being more present in the moments.
The guilt sometimes overwhelms me because of this. I feel like I didn’t embrace the moments with Otis - that I didn’t cherish them enough, but that’s just what happens as a first time Mum. If we all knew then what we know as a second time Mum our experiences, thoughts and feelings would be very different. We wouldn’t be so scared, we would be a lot calmer and less resistant to motherhood.
Small Routines
Most mornings we have been going for a walk. I find this allows us all to get some fresh air and sunshine incase the day turns to shit and we don’t get a chance to leave the house later in the day. I time this walk for when Casper needs a sleep. I’ve really been enjoying this little routine. The fresh air and sunshine really sets the mood for the day.
Having activities planned helps to break up the days and keep Otis from going stir crazy too. On Tuesday’s I take him to kindergym and Friday’s we go to PlayGroup. The other day’s are the ones I take the boys for a walk. I’m really looking forward to some cooler days that way I don’t get so sweaty with Casper on my chest - plus I much prefer autumn/winter, I am so not a summer girl. Getting out and about on a cooler day is much more appealing to me. It doesn’t take much to chuck a jumper and beanie on whereas trying to stay cool is a lot harder especially for a toddler who wants to constantly be running around.
No More House Visitors to Help
Our wonderful friends left us on Friday which was really sad. It’s been amazing having them stay with us the last 10 days, Otis made a best friend in Baz - he’s really going to miss him.
On Thursday night Baz and Alyx offered to babysit Otis so Paul and I could have a date night (which was good timing as a few day’s later it was our 7 year anniversary!). Casper was our little tag along though as he can’t be away from boob for too long haha. Paul and I had dinner in The Garden of Unearthly Delights and saw a show which was really funny. Paul and I love having date nights, we find it reconnects us after a busy week even if all we do is talk about Otis and Casper!
How the Toddler is Adjusting
I’m noticing more and more how quickly Otis is growing up. He’s throwing sentences together and his imagination is going wild. I was feeling guilty for using the tv so much lately and I was worried he’d become a couch potato but he’s still a little pocket rocket that loves to run around the house and play with his toys. I cried both sad and happy tears the other day when Otis all on his own held the door open for me whilst I brought the groceries in! Sad tears because he’s growing up so fast and happy tears because he’s such a smart little guy.
Otis has no concept of personal space when it comes to Casper. He loves getting in his face, hugging him and shoving toys in his face. I feel like I’m constantly saving Casper from being smacked in the face with a toy dinosaur. I guess this is why second born children grow up so tough haha.
Social Distance
This coming week we have decided to socially distance ourselves. There is so much uncertainty with Covid-19 and it’s all a bit scary. Casper is yet to have his first lot of immunisations and I would rather keep him away from everything, as well as Otis. It’s going to be interesting with no kindergym and playgroup because Otis loves going, it gives him that release of energy and chance to socialise and learn. You may find us all pulling each other’s hair out by the end of the week! Isolating ourselves now might seem a bit premature but this is the way we can slow down the spread of this virus. I don’t want to be waiting until things are out of control before I take action.